Lost Intention
ZYX Trance presents Alternate High with his second release on the label called Lost Intention. It’s an awesome pure and solid straightforward uplifting trancer of the highest order with solid pumping basslines, pounding metallic drums, sharp kicks and acid overtones to make the result even rougher and tougher. In the breakdown he reveals his ethereal epic anthemic melody replayed by variety of synthy plucks sets in order to keep the tension rising and the fever burning with anticipation until the main hair raising like volcano exploding melody appears to elevate the audience to the next level. The climax continues on the same full on euphoric feel good trance root but slightly influenced from old school hard trance adding certain vibes of nostalgia to the final proceedings. Lost Intention by the upcoming German talent Alternate High is out now on ZYX Trance, the label curated by Talla 2XLC.