Dibididap (remix Edition)
Vibronic Nation Feat. Natid7, Rayzr, Ghostly Raverz!, Kaylife!
Песни , 0 Часы 17 мин.
South tyrolean music producer 'Vibronic Nation' and talented German female singer 'NatiD7' have teamed up again to present you their new crazy production 'DiBiDiDap'. This time they presents you a catchy, crazy song for the partys with a great melody and a funny chorus to sing along! This is the extra Remix-Edition featuring great remixes by Rayzr, Ghostly Raverz! and KayLife! And now sing along: WIR SINGEN Dap Dap Dap DiBiDap DiBi DaaaP DaaaP DaaaP :)