Flite, Justin Hawkes, Feint, Hybrid Minds, Koven, Blue Marble, Monrroe, Technimatic, Emily Jones, Edlan, Dualistic, HumaNature, Tarz, Bachelors Of Science, Pola & Bryson, Silence Groove, Nelver, Nymfo, Shiny Radio, Rameses B, Actraiser, Phaction
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Feint, Koven, Rameses B, Veela, Fox Stevenson, Dan Dakota, NCT, Deuce & Charger, Futuristik, Flite, Justin Hawkes, T & Sugah, Zazu, Madface, Edlan, Ella Noël, Echo Inada, Flowidus, Samahra Eames, Subwave & The Dual Personality, Ketonen, Breaknoise, Holly Drummond, Raise Spirit, Maxin, Pulsate
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Pogo, Makoto, Champion, Dualistic, Ella Noël, Subsequent, Loz Contreras, David Albury, Pola & Bryson, Phase, Whiney, Fliwo, Monrroe, Charlotte Haining, Trifonic, Nymfo, Sammie Bella, Gavin G, Hybrid Minds
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Muzzy, Voicians, Cartoon, Kóstja, Feint, Veela, Priority One, Fox Stevenson, TwoThirds, Fliwo, Monrroe, Emily Jones, T & Sugah, Ayve, Rameses B, Charlotte Haining, Maxin, Aether, Sizzlebird, Actraiser, Raise Spirit
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Open Your Eyes EP - (Liquicity Presents)
Rameses B, Rachel Hirons, Emily Underhill
EP | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Take You There EP - (Liquicity Presents)
Maduk, Perky, Ashman, Anita Kelsey
EP | Drum N Bass - Dubstep