Fashionable Music London (Sophisticated Lounge Tunes from the Fashion Shows)
Various Artists
Compilation | House - Downtempo
Morning Delights (Beautiful Lounge Experience), Vol. 4
Various Artists
Compilation | House - Downtempo
Electronic Wunderland, Vol. 3 (20 Chill out Master Pieces)
Various Artists
Compilation | Lounge / Chill Out
Carsten Litfin, Black Is Blonde, Stefano Mastronardi, Jon Hansson, Queens Road, Fabian Graetz, Viktor Petrov, Felix Thoma, Didier Viseux, Harry Alfter, Johannes Huppertz, Dip T Jones, Steve Mushrush, Florian Thaller, Blue Star, Laurent-Manuel Bleton, Evripides Evripidou, Jonathan Bridges, Edgar Munchkin, Skydiva, Roni Amir, Sebastian Arno Sprenger, Elijah Borghardsen, Erik Liden, Tim Lundblad, Luca Brichese, Ryan Chain, Louis Edlinger, Martin Laflamme
Album | Reggae / Dub
Lounge & Chill Out Experience Of Mind, Body, Soul, Vol. 2
Various Artists
Compilation | Lounge / Chill Out
Stephan Schelens, Black Is Blonde, Skydiva, Konstantinos Panagiotidis, Mark Morgon-Shaw, Helen Robertson, Viktor Petrov, Jon Hansson, Didier Viseux, Louis Edlinger, Elijah Borghardsen, Jeppe Reil, Harry Alfter, Johannes Huppertz, Alessandro Ferrara, Mattia Missaglia, Felix Thoma, Matthias Ullrich
Album | Electronica