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Digital Drugs, Vol. 6 - Battle Grid Planned by DoctorSpook - Best of Hi-tech Dark Psychedelic Trance
Psypien, Zoku, Jenni French, Synchrosphere, WeiRdel, Astro-d, Proyal, Wavelogix, Virtual Light, Kalilaskov As, Electrypnose, Psychoz, Tricossoma, Airi, Snack Shop, Micro Scan, Biokinetix, Electrocult, Fright Rate, Hagenith, Quasar, Zoomorfos, Fiery Storm, Archeos, Ancient, Darkland, Facehead, MeteorBurn
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Robot Revolution, Vol. 2 by Commander Random - Best of Hi-tech Dark Psychedelic Goa Trance
Stuntproject, Jaws Underground, Apu, Darkland, Perfect Havoc, Modul8, Noize Hunter, Biokinetix, Astral Frequency, Krotovina, WeiRdel, MeteorBurn, Psychoz, Dr3x, Zoomorfos, Mind Storm, Fractal Sound, Bottomline25, A.P.E., Shiva Shambho, Terraformers, Phoniq Request, Random, Chromatone, David Shanti
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Shape the Machine, Vol. 2 Programed by Random - Best of Hi-tech Dark Psychedelic Goa Trance
Tsabeat, SUNTRIBE, Tricossoma, Hidden Soul, Subliminal Insane, MeteorBurn, WeiRdel, Random, Southwild, Delysid, Sychodelicious, Bird Of Prey, Distant Touch, Astro-d, Robotic Mind, Wicked Wires, Biokinetix, Terraformers, Electronic Concept, Wizard Lizard, Orca, Amplify, Dexter, Natural Disorder
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Double the Dose, Vol. 2 Prescribed by Random - Best of Hi-tech Dark Psychedelic Trance
Tricossoma, Astral Frequency, Psypien, Black Hole, Bottomline25, Dropzone, Kalilaskov As, Paraforce, Audiopathik, Plankton, Wizack Twizack, Archeos, ZenMind, Efflorum, Sanathana, MeteorBurn, Apu, Quasar, Zoomorfos, Psychoz
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Goa Records Psychedelic Goa Trance EP's 61-70
Digital Sound Project, MeteorBurn, Biokinetix, Vimana, SUNTRIBE, Andyflip, Defib, Mirror Me, Sound Philoso Therapy, Manmachine, Noize Hunter, SOUND CONTROL, PsychoSocial
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Goa Records Psychedelic Goa Trance EP's 11-20
Micro Scan, Virtual Light, Electrypnose, Reactive, Tetuna, Phoenix Family, Altom, Chromatone, Random, DoctorSpook, CPU, Earthling, Rob-ot, Predators, Hypohektika, MeteorBurn, Clone, Aya, Meteor Burn
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Digital Drugs Coalition Psy Trance Hard Fullon Psychedelic Goa Techno EP's 1-10
Quasar, Crying Freemen, MeteorBurn, Virtual Light, Electronic Concept, BrokenBeat, Electrypnose, Micro Scan, Kalilaskov As, Select Project, Imix, Hyper Drive, Tetuna, Axone, Frost Raven, Clone, Te Tuna, Meteor Burn, David Sonnentiger
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Electrypnose, MeteorBurn, Paraforce, TerraTech, Dr.Hoffman, MindController, Bratex
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Quasar, Crying Freemen, BrokenBeat, Electronic Concept, Virtual Light, MeteorBurn, Clone
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Hard Psychedelic Trance Dimension, Vol. 5
Electrypnose, Bodhisattva 1320, Onnomon, Quasar, Paraforce, Mindstorm, Twistedreaction, Meteor Burn, Faxinadu, Distorted Goblin, Metamorphose, MeteorBurn
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Hard Psychedelic Trance Planet, Vol. 5
Monks Of Madness, Wicked Wires, Delysid, Chromatone, Random, Khopat, Wizack Twizack, Psychoz, Sofiax, Paraforce, K-Lapso, FracTal, Virtual Light, MeteorBurn
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Hard Psychedelic Trance Planet, Vol. 2
CPU (On Acid), Neko, Electrypnose, Bodhisattva 1320, N.R.S, Koozer Mox, Seth, Freqtrik, Zen Mind, Glÿph, Paraforce, MeteorBurn
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Stereographic, Cerebral Factory, Hallucypnotic, Antagon, Tricossoma, TerraTech, Paraforce, MeteorBurn, ZenMind, Psychoz, Kasatka, Electrypnose
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Electrypnose, Random, Sushupti, Electronic Concept, MeteorBurn, Face Head
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Micro Scan, Aya, The Lorax, A.p.e, Arabali, Mubali, Arahat, Paraforce, MeteorBurn, Tricossoma, Audiopathik, Faxi Nadu, Vectro Electro, Psychoz
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Faxi Nadu, Imix, Micro Scan, Virtual Light, Power Source, Goe, Bratex, Overtonez, Psychoz, PhasePhour, A.p.e, Enertopia, Vectro Electro, Bombax, Cybernetika, Paraforce, MeteorBurn, Tricossoma, Electrypnose, Richter & Hertz
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Kalilaskov As, 01-N, Kinesis, Audiobrain, Shake, Microscan, Imix, Solar System, Skyloops, Lokesh, The Lorax, Static Nation, Reactive, A.p.e, MeteorBurn, Paraforce, Snack Shop, Psychoz, Faxi Nadu, Psyshark
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Psychoz, PhasePhour, Bandarlog, Frost Raven, Paraforce, MeteorBurn, Tricossoma, K Lapso, Faxi Nadu, Hypohektika, Vectro Electro
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
PhasePhour, Jaws Underground, Static Nation, Skyloops, Bamboo Forest, Micro Scan, Tetuna, Mr. Peculiar, Northern Lights, Meta, Frost Raven, Orca, Mubali, Paraforce, MeteorBurn, Metamorphose, Psychoz, Faxi Nadu, Solar System
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Paraforce, Psychoz, Overhuman Project, Faxi Nadu, Kinesis, Prahlad, Enertopia, Loki, Overdream, Micro Scan, Solar System, Skyloops, Axone, Tetuna, Lokesh, The Lorax, Quasar, Random, Meta, Mubodhi, Mubali, Bodhisattva 1320, MeteorBurn
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Kalilaskov As, Psychoz, Alchemix, Raz, Leenuz, Enertopia, Aural Invasion, Imix, Crystal Network, Jirah, Mr. Rogers, The Lorax, Virtual Light, Twisted ReAction, AcidDrop, Cilium, Wicked Wires, Brain Hunters, MeteorBurn, Paraforce, Faxi Nadu
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Lemurians, Switch , Solar System, Micro Scan, Atma, Skyloops, Attik, PhasePhour, Lokesh, Northern Lights, A.P.E., Vectro Electro, Faxi Nadu, Psychoz, Paraforce, MeteorBurn, Tricossoma, Iron Madness, Oil, OPENMIND, K Lapso
Album | Trance - Psy Trance