Creatures, Codebreaker, ZeroZero, Philth, Nautika, Minor Forms, Joe Raygun
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Syncline, Pyxis, Dvice One, Lno, Surreal, Scartip, Cybin, Vama, Creatures, Colossus, Monument Banks, Sonic Rain, Libby Rollings, Dava, Umax, Sudley, Kidsonic, Ethos, Krypta, OpticsNZ, Savy Silva, Nickbee, Dedman, Sydney, Thread, Leniz, Dopplershift, TMPZ, Melinki, Kloro4m, Medic MC, Qua Rush, Tweakz, Leks, Volatile Cycle, Philth, Maykors, Dan Guidance, Echo Motion, Alyness, Villem
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Philth, Lno, Scartip, Tweakz, Dunk, Leks, Smb, Cybin, Raybee, Koax, C-Phonics, ZD, Kloro4m, Jfal, Octo Pi, Modular, Umax, Division (DNB), Pyxis, Qua Rush, Ethos, Monument Banks, OpticsNZ, Colossus, Bassdubbers, Fetus, Syncline, HD, Sonic Rain, Evie Balfe, Libby Rollings, TMPZ, Sudley, Imprint, Surreal, Dan Guidance, Fishy, Flat T, Millstreet, A:D, Bound To Divide, SOLR, Lumynesynth, Ben Rolo, Volatile Cycle, Elk, Embers Of Light, Aleyum, 2Shy MC, Dvice One, Matec, Sub:liminal
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
Surplus, Dave Owen, The Vanguard Project, Vandera, ALB, Subdivision, Kaspar, Satl, In-Deed, Marvel Cinema, Sikka, Harland, Phil Tangent, Hannah Eve, Pola & Bryson, Saxxon, Malaky, BCee, Drifta, Pat Fulgoni, Centrik, Simplification & Translate, Blake, Hybrid Minds, Philth, Grimm, Precision, Mcleod, Elka, Audiosketch, Silence Groove, HLZ, HumaNature, Chewy Jetpack, Skeletone, Data 3, Aperio, Random Movement, Ill Truth, Michael E.T, M1te, Villem, GLXY, Zero T, FD, Ed:It, Phaction, Mako, Command Strange, Skynet, Gerra & Stone
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
ALB, Subdivision, In-Deed, Marvel Cinema, Sikka, Satl, Harland, Phil Tangent, Hannah Eve, Saxxon, Malaky, Drifta, Pola & Bryson, Simplification & Translate, Blake, BCee, Philth, Pat Fulgoni, Precision, Centrik, Elka, Mcleod, Audiosketch, HLZ, Silence Groove, Chewy Jetpack, HumaNature, Aperio, Skeletone, Ill Truth, Data 3, Michael E.T, Random Movement, Dave Owen, M1te, Surplus, The Vanguard Project, GLXY, Zero T, Ed:It, FD, Phaction, Command Strange, Mako, Skynet, Villem, Gerra & Stone
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
HumaNature, Subdivision, Surplus, Simplification & Translate, Mr Joseph, M-Set, Hannah Eve, Phil Tangent, The Vanguard Project, Data 3, GLXY, Elka, Satl, Philth, BCee, Drifta, HLZ, Loz Contreras, Macca, Audiosketch, Zero T, Command Strange, Ed:It
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep
M-Set, Hannah Eve, Phil Tangent, The Vanguard Project, Data 3, GLXY, Elka, Satl, Philth, BCee, Drifta, HLZ, Audiosketch, Simplification & Translate, Mr Joseph, Zero T, Command Strange, Ed:It
Album | Drum N Bass - Dubstep