Visionworks, Vol. 2 (Curated by Mr. Tron)
DJ Datch, Feph & Mr. Tron, Allan Gallego, Elias Garcia, Sto_ik, Radar, H1MOD, Soren Aalberg, Haumea, Petit Astronaute
Album | Techno - Deep
John Plaza, Night Garden, Krypton Element, Raroh, Petit Astronaute, Ancestral Landscapes, BLNDFLD, Hod
Album | Techno - Rave
The Alchemical Theory, Teixo, Assimilated, John Plaza, Save Your Atoll, Minjoon, Absis, Petit Astronaute, Nothing Is Real
Album | Techno - Deep
Eljan, Polygonia, SPN, Infinity, Andrea Cossu, Petit Astronaute, Droneghost, Manuel Ro, Cavüm, DI.CAPA, Floating Machine, Strom (UA), OPL, Nothing Is Real, Doctrina Natura, Kontinum, Absis
Album | Techno - Rave
Einox, Enkō, Kontinum, Labyrinthine, Petit Astronaute, Raroh, Svarog, The Alchemical Theory, Victor Zala, Yukari Okamura, TANTRON, LUMI, Extrasolar
Album | Techno - Rave