Sunset Sessions - Bondi Beach, Australia
Martijn Ten Velden, Afroboogie, DJ Gregory, Gregor Salto, The Serafim Crew, Dead Boltz, Andy Daniell, Marie St. James, Guy Robin, Sherona Knight, The Jinks, Carla Prather, Brett Johnson, Iz, DIZ, David Penn, Rober Gaez, DJ Chus, Rob Mirage, Thomas De Lorenzo, Chappell, Jus’Dope, Danism, Heidi Vogel, Tensnake, UNER, David Harness, Round Table Knights
Album | House
Sunset Sessions - Camps Bay, Cape Town
Mk, Alana, Johnny Corporate, Furry Phreaks, Terra Deva, Andy Daniell, Dennis Ferrer, Blaze, Michel Cleis, Toto La Momposina, Afterlife, Sandy Rivera, John Alvarez, Shawnee Taylor, E-Smoove, House Avengers, Latanza Waters, Marc Evans, Danism, Heidi Vogel, M, Soul Central, Abigail Bailey, Osunlade, Masters At Work, Version, Steve Miller, Laid, Charles Webster, Thor
Album | House
Slip 'N' Slide Classics Volume 1
Sabrynaah Pope, Scuba, Lizz Fields, M.A.S. Collective, Susu Bobien, Mijan, Michelle Weeks, Liquid People, Danism, Heidi Vogel, Tiger Stripes, Simone Moreno, Blaze, Kruse, Palmer Brown, Nürnberg, E-Smoove, T.Nile, House Avengers, Latanza Waters, Funky People, Cassio Ware, The Klub Family, Sybil, Solid Groove, Amira, King Britt, Firefly, Ursula Rucker, Charles Dockins, Sheila Ford, Blak Beat Niks, Kings Of Tomorrow, Densaid, Antoine Clamaran, Ray Roc
Album | House
Mark De Clive-Lowe, Jody Watley, Sin Palabras, Jus’Dope, King Britt, Scuba, Lizz Fields, Jon Cutler, E-Man, Chunking, Oveous Maximus, Mr Scruff, Belleruche, Danism, The Dynamics, Heidi Vogel, DJ Food, Liquid People, Osunlade, Stuntmen, The Cinematic Orchestra, DJ Spen, Bonobo, Souldynamic, Jimmy Abney, Leslie Carter, Julien Jabre, Maayan Nidam, Michel Besmond, Siji, Carl Hanaghan, Mr Day, The Normalites, KB, Yass, Francine E Murphy, John Beltran, Frankie Feliciano, Frankie Felciano, Ezel, Luke Vibert, Juan Valentine, Hi-Perspective, Patchworks, Shur-I-Kan, Noël Nanton
Album | House