Persohna, Plural, Rondell Adams, Subtraum, Umaru, Vegim, Victor Santana, VYN•1, ANDREY DETOCHKIN, Animatek, Aurora, David Bowman, Dean Amo, Dessorden, Dietriangle, Droneghost, Eleck, Encoder, FBK, Grace Scale, Groof, Hanton, HD Substance, Joaquin Ruiz, Lakej, Lectromeda, Pedro Pina
Album | Techno - Deep
Pulso, Eric Fetcher, Puritan, Error Etica, Romain Richard, Fǎnwùzhí, Rondell Adams, FBK, Sintoma, Filip Xavi, Sons Of Hidden, Forest People, Stumheth, Fu5, The Frequentist, G02, THÖNK, Group, Translate, Homee, T Y, Israel Toledo, Umaru, K´Alexi Shelby, Victor Santana, BLACK13, Add Obscurae, Vincent, Kereni, Albert Chiovenda, Ximo Noguera, Khuan, Animatek, Komprezzor, Another Machines, Lasawers, Audio Resistance, Lectromeda, Car D, Mateo Hurtado, Casual Treatment, Mind Machines, Concept Of Thrill, Monix, David Bowman, N01R, Dean Amo, Ocktawian, Dialect, Dietriangle, Omnia Vox, DJ Ze MigL, ORBE, Drhamer, Pedro Pina, Droneghost, Persohna, Dykkon, Pledge, Eduardo De La Calle, Plural, Electrorites, Prisma, Elektrabel, Delusions, Matt Utom
Album | Techno - Deep
Answer Code Request, Marcel Dettmann, Sandwell District, Signal, Roman Lindau, Mono Junk, Reel By Real, Bluemoon Productions, The Analogue Cops, Vril, Milton Bradley, Silent Servant, Morphosis, Redshape, Shed, Cheeba Starks Presents The Toupe Committee, B. Chaplin), O/V/R, FBK, (A. Chaplin
Album | Techno - Deep