Absis, Petit Astronaute, Nothing Is Real, The Alchemical Theory, Teixo, Assimilated, John Plaza, Save Your Atoll, Minjoon
Album | Techno - Deep
TANTRON, LUMI, Extrasolar, Einox, Enkō, Kontinum, Labyrinthine, Petit Astronaute, Raroh, Svarog, The Alchemical Theory, Victor Zala, Yukari Okamura
Album | Techno - Rave
Vayu, Opuswerk, Antonio Vazquez, Ymir, Lunar Convoy, Foreign Material, Sofus Forsberg, The Alchemical Theory, Alume, Simone Bauer, Matilda, PVNV, 9BEATS, Saphileaum, SIWEI, Shoal
Album | Techno - Rave