Mountains And Peace
The song was written during lockdown and it is inspired by the COVID-19 situation and the general claustrophobic feeling that it brought by forcing everyone to stay inside for a long time. It all started with a track that Rob sent. I didn't have time to open it before we had to self-isolate, so maybe staying at home, looking for things to do, wasn't that bad after all. Being stuck at home in the city, constantly watching news about how the world is on fire, made me think of how good it would be to escape in a place far from the madness and reconnect with nature. That is how the lyrics: “I’m running far from the city lights”, “ I dream of mountains and peace” came to my mind. While working on the verses, I ended up extending the theme of the song to the subject of life in big cities in general. As exciting and fulfilling as it is, the busy urban life can sometimes make you feel small, unnoticed or tired. That’s exactly what the verses are about. Working on this track from home was pr