Todo Novedades
Eddie Fowlkes, Chelonis R. Jones, Luke Solomon, Hector Couto, DJ T., SNAX, Intruder (A Murk Production), Ianeq, Renato Ratier, Jei, Catz 'n Dogz, Dennis Ferrer, Janelle Kroll, NiCe7, FCL, Lopazz, 4th Measure Men, Paolo Rocco, Elbee Bad, Osunlade, Kris Wadsworth, Martinez, Matthew Dear, Rachel Row, Pirupa, Riton, The Uber Audio Bros, Stuffa, David A Tobin, Italoboyz, Noze, Guti, Sunsetpeople, Gel Abril, Shlomi Aber, Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts, GUILLAUME, The Coutu Dumonts, Sable Sheep, Mk, Maya Jane Coles, SLOK, Jimmy Edgar, KiNK, Breach, Fosky, Martin Landsky
Album | Tech House
Cristoph, J-Cub, Sarah Story, NiCe7, Guti, Man Without A Clue, Sonny Fodera, Natalie Conway, Andrea Oliva, Aaaron, Sable Sheep, Andre Lodemann, Michel De Hey, Mulder, Raw District, Ingrid Hakanson, Poncho Warwick, Wally Callerio, Art Of Tones, Tanya Michelle, Forrest., Re.You, Kiani & His Legion, Tube & Berger
Album | Deep House
DFTD VLM03 mixed by Mark Fanciulli
Mark Fanciulli, Sonny Fodera, Natalie Conway, Forrest., Andrea Oliva, Flashmob, Emma Black, Tigerskin, Gut, King Brain, Cristoph, Secondcity, Riva Starr, Sable Sheep, AHI, Krankbrother, Ripperton, Raw District, Ingrid Hakanson, Aaaron, Man Without A Clue, Joe Le Groove, NiCe7, Audiojack, Kevin Knapp, Kiani & His Legion, Guti, Nathan Barato
Album | Deep House
Defected presents Most Rated Miami 2014
Atnarko, Symbol, Tiger Stripes, Andy Daniell, Subb-an, Chasing Kurt, S.Y.F., Romanthony, Richy Ahmed , Osunlade, Kevin Knapp, Route 94, Nick Curly, Man Without A Clue, Larse, Poncho Warwick, Wally Callerio, Thomas Schumacher, Andre Lodemann, Cuebur, Audiowhores, Marissa Guzman, Stee Downes, David Herrero, Luma, Claude Monnet, Dam Swindle, Paolo Rocco, Sable Sheep, Coyu, Dan Beaumont, Aaron David Frith, Guti, Mark Fanciulli, Inaya Day, Michelle Owen, Kruse & Nuernberg, Isis Salam, S.Chu, Terri Walker, Lomez, Henrik Schwarz, Motor City Drum Ensemble, Atjazz, Johnny D, NiCe7, Catz 'n Dogz, Shlomi Aber, Noir, The Deepshakerz, Dennis Ferrer
Album | Deep House