Alle Releases
Deathmachine, Nagazaki, RABBeat, Roberrr, Syprexa, The Carnage Corps, Tones, Agent Zero, Butterfist, Dolphin, Havoc & Disorder, Inqoherent, Jacob
Album | Hardcore
Diplomat, Ultrafex, The DJ Producer, Rude Ass Tinker, Dolphin, Bryan Fury, Skeeta, Hardcoholics, Al Twisted, Akira, Micron, Raxyor, Fish And Rice, Drokz, Technological Terror Crew, Hellfish, Producer, Tugie, The Teknoist, Khaoz Engine, Kutski, Angerfist, Dataklysm, Rogue
Album | Hardcore
Hellfish, Dolphin, Hellfish & Dolphin, Hellfish Phonk For Ya Phace, Dolphin's Phists Of Phonk
Single | Hardcore
Dolphin, Anthony Anaxagorou, The Teknoist, Deathmachine, The DJ Producer, Bryan Fury, Hellfish
Album | Hardcore