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2 Zuhörer
Delete, Deetox, MC Livid
Delete, Deetox
Theracords 6 (2013 - 2014)
Various Artists
Compilation | Hardcore
Theracords 7 (2014 - 2015)
Predatory Things Of A Minute
Delete, Is That You, DFRNT Remix), Roof Light, Lostlojic, DFRNT, VVV
EP | Electronica
Back To The Rootz #12 | The Hardstyle Classics Warm-up Special
David Spekter, Sarah Maria, Adaro, Alpha², E-Force, Frequencerz, Gunz For Hire, Digital Punk, Jack Of Sound, Radical Redemption, Luna, Danny Scandal, Delete, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Wildstylez, Ran-D, B-Front, Pavo, Bioweapon, Audiofreq, Code Black, Dj Duro, The Prophet, JDX, MC Villain, Tatanka, Bass Modulators, Noisecontrollers, Atmozfears, Audiotricz, Devin Wild, Adrenalize, Regain
Album | Hardcore
Theracords 5 (2012 - 2013)
Free Your Mind - Compilation
Compilation | Electronica
Deetox, Delete
Single | Hardcore
Defqon.1 Australia 2017
Dillytek, Outbreak, Delete, Evil Activities, D-Block & S-te-Fan
EP | Hardcore
Embrace It
Sascha Funke
Chris Lehmann
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