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2 Zuhörer
Eloquence, Disiz, Le Rat Luciano
Nessbeal, Le Rat Luciano
DJ Noise, Nessbeal, Le Rat Luciano
Le Rat Luciano, K-Reen, Don Choa
Le Rat Luciano, Don Choa, Double Pact
Manolo, Le Rat Luciano, Fel
Classique sans clip #2 "Spécial rap français"
K.Ommando Toxik, Lino, Seth Gueko, Sinik, LIM, Malekal, Flag, Treyz, Jarod, Mala, Lunatic, Eloquence, Kennedy, L'Skadrille, 2-Fray, Nessbeal, Le Rat Luciano, Disiz
Album | Hip-Hop
Sinik, Rémy, BBKGB, Demon One, Gringe, Nessbeal, Le Rat Luciano, Kennedy, Grödash, Limsa D'Aulnay, Brasco, Ol Zico, Aguib, Moro, Morad, Swift Guad, Mani Deïz, 7liwa, Kossi, Gazo, Jeff, Jarod, Alp, Zesau, Benjamin EPPS, Busta Flex, Les X-Men, LIM
Nessbeal Mix-tape
Cheba Maria, Booba, Le Rat Luciano, Orelsan, Nessbeal, Mohamed Lamine, Rim'K, Dicidens, Lunatic
...C'est Comme La Vie
Kamilian, Pit Baccardi, Person, Fidel Escro, Leila, Loucha, La Pere, Negrociateurs, Double Pact, Max Herre, Ulisses, Le Rat Luciano, Don Choa
Best Of Nessbeal
Lunatic, Jango Jack, Dicidens, DJ Noise, Nessbeal, Orelsan, Le Rat Luciano, K-Reen
Classics Rap.FR #2
Various Artists
Compilation | Hip-Hop
1 Pied dans le RAP
Ol Kainry, Futuristiq, HSI, Yatfu, Booba, Malekal Morte, Bambino, Pap Demba, Less Du Neuf, Le Rat Luciano, Manolo, Fel, Kennedy, Rocca, Profecy, Pyroman, Koalition, Busta Flex
Au Revoir
Le Rat Luciano, Don Choa, Kery James, Dany Dan, Petits Boss, Egosyst, Pit Baccardi, Manillio, F, Double Pact, Max Herre, Ulisses, Meli, Camouflow
MJ Songstress
The Visionary
Scabrous Cat
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