Double the Dose, Vol. 2 Prescribed by Random - Best of Hi-tech Dark Psychedelic Trance
Astral Frequency, Psypien, Black Hole, Bottomline25, Dropzone, Kalilaskov As, Paraforce, Audiopathik, Plankton, Wizack Twizack, Archeos, ZenMind, Efflorum, Sanathana, MeteorBurn, Apu, Quasar, Zoomorfos, Psychoz, Tricossoma
Album | Trance - Psy Trance
Stereographic, Cerebral Factory, Hallucypnotic, Antagon, Tricossoma, TerraTech, Paraforce, MeteorBurn, ZenMind, Psychoz, Kasatka, Electrypnose
Album | Trance - Psy Trance