Absis, Petit Astronaute, Nothing Is Real, The Alchemical Theory, Teixo, Assimilated, John Plaza, Save Your Atoll, Minjoon
Album | Techno - Deep
Cavüm, DI.CAPA, Floating Machine, Strom (UA), OPL, Nothing Is Real, Doctrina Natura, Kontinum, Absis, Eljan, Polygonia, SPN, Infinity, Andrea Cossu, Petit Astronaute, Droneghost, Manuel Ro
Album | Techno - Rave
Marcelo Antonio, MTD, Forward Strategy Group, Mod21, Translate, Evod, Tracy, Rhythm Assembler, Divide, Augusto Taito, Nothing Is Real, Kaan Pirecioglu, The Extraverse, Conrad Van Orton
Album | Techno - Rave