All Releases
Unfinished Business Volume 2 compiled & mixed by Luke Solomon
Osunlade, Seven Davis Jr., Ugly Drums, Krankbrother, Hardrive: 2000, Tooth Faeries, Sundowners, Mystic Bill, Wizards Of Ooze, Sam Lynham, Maurice & Charles, UC Beatz, Isolee, Luke Solomon, Phoenix Knight, JM Jackmaster Aka Mark Walters, Freaks, Sandee, Collis King, Derrick L. Carter, Dungeon Meat, Dbow, Jason Bye, DJ Bang
Album | Deep House
Kerri Chandler, Dbow, O&A, Lewis Lastella, The Deepshakerz, Asle, Dzeta N’ Basile, Ivo Toscano, THEMBA, Tom Middleton, Supernova, THEMBA (SA), Foremost Poets, Louie Vega, Javi Bora, Peace Division
Single | House